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What are the Strongest Cable Ties? & Cable Ties Size Chart


In this article we’ll take a closer look at the various sizes of cable ties, their bundle diameter and tensile strength. 

There is a wide range of sizes to choose from, and the large selection of options can seem daunting when deciding which size and strength is best for the task at hand.

We’ll take a closer look at the different sizes available sizes and unpack the jargon behind bundle diameter and tensile strength to provide all the information you’ll need to choose the right solution. 


How are cable ties measured? 

Cable ties are measured in millimetres. The length of the cable tie is measured from the head of the tie to the tail, and the width is measured from side to side on the body of the tie. 

The best common size is 300mm which is 12” however the sizes available go from 80mm to 1,530mm.  

What is meant by the cable tie bundle diameter?

Bundle diameter refers to the size of the bundle of cables or wires that can be secured, which is measured in millimetres.

It is important to choose a cable tie with a large enough bundle diameter.

Consider purchasing cable ties with additional space, as it’s better to have extra space that can be trimmed if needed, than too have too little space.

What is cable tie tensile strength? 

Tensile strength is measured as the level of resistance or load a cable tie can endure without the material failing under tension. The units of measure are typically kilograms or pounds.

We use minimum tensile strength in our datasheets and technical materials. This refers to the minimum threshold strength that a cable tie is certified to before it breaks under load. In reality, quality cable ties will generally outperform this stated strength.

Minimum tensile strengths vary, primarily based on the width of the cable tie.

What sizes do cable ties come in and what are the strongest cable ties?

The smallest cable ties are as small as 80mm in length, and 2.5mm in width for standard nylon cable ties, making them idea for tasks that require a smaller surface area than the standard sized cable ties.

The strongest cable ties, in terms of minimum tensile strength, can withstand weight up to 166kg for 1000mm x 7.9mm stainless steel cable ties, making them ideal for heavy duty industrial applications.

We have included three charts below covering standard nylon, releasable and stainless steel cable ties, to provide an overview of the different sizes, bundle diameters and tensile strengths of the main types of cable ties.

Standard Nylon Cable Ties (Black, white and coloured cable ties have the same tensile strength and bundle diameter)

SKU Size Min. Tensile Strength (kg) Max Bundle Diameter (mm)
GCT8025 80mm x 2.5mm  8 16
GCT10025 100mm x 2.5mm  8 22
GCT12025 120mm x 2.5mm  8 28
GCT12048 120mm x 4.8mm  22 27
GCT15036 150mm x 3.6mm  18 36
GCT15076 150mm x 7.6mm  55 32
GCT16025 165mm x 2.5mm  8 43
GCT16048 160mm x 4.8mm  22 39
GCT18036 180mm x 3.6mm  18 46
GCT20025 200mm x 2.5mm  8 55
GCT20036 200mm x 3.6mm  18 53
GCT20048 203mm x 4.8mm  22 52
GCT20076 200mm x 7.6mm  55 52
GCT24076 240mm x 7.6mm  55 65
GCT25025 250mm x 2.5mm  8 68
GCT25048 250mm x 4.8mm  22 68
GCT28048 280mm x 4.8mm  22 77
GCT280127 280mm x 12.7mm  114 73
GCT30036 292mm x 3.6mm  18 76
GCT30048 300mm x 4.8mm  22 83
GCT30076 300mm x 7.6mm  55 80
GCT37036 368mm x 3.6mm  18 105
GCT37048 368mm x 4.8mm  22 105
GCT37076 370mm x 7.6mm  55 101
GCT380127 380mm x 12.7mm  114 105
GCT39048 385mm x 4.8mm  22 110
GCT40025 400mm x 2.5mm  8 116
GCT43048 432mm x 4.8mm  22 125
GCT45048 450mm x 4.8mm  22 131
GCT45076 450mm x 7.6mm  55 128
GCT45090 450mm x 9.0mm  80 128
GCT480127 480mm x 12.7mm  114 137
GCT50048 500mm x 4.8mm  22 147
GCT55048 550mm x 4.8mm  22 162
GCT55076 550mm x 7.6mm  55 160
GCT55090 550mm x 9.0mm  80 160
GCT580127 580mm x 12.7mm  114 169
GCT61090 610mm x 9.0mm  80 177
GCT63048 635mm x 4.8mm  22 189
GCT71090 710mm x 9.0mm  80 209
GCT730127 730mm x 12.7mm  114 216
GCT75076 750mm x 7.6mm  55 218
GCT78090 762mm x 9.0mm  80 227
GCT81290 812mm x 9.0mm  80 243
GCT880127 880mm x 12.7mm  114 264
GCT91490 914mm x 9.0mm  80 275
GCT1030127 1030mm x 12.7mm  114 312
GCT116890 1168mm x 9.0mm  80 356
GCT122090 1219mm x 9.0mm  80 372
GCT150090 1500mm x 9.0mm  80 462
GCT1530127 1530mm x 12.7mm  114 470

Releasable Nylon Cable Ties (Black, white and coloured releasable cable ties have the same tensile strength and bundle diameter)

SKU Size Min. Tensile Strength (kg) Max Bundle Diameter (mm)
GCT10036RELB 100mm x 3.6mm 18 25
GCT20048RELB 200mm x 4.8mm 22 55
GCT25048RELB 250mm x 4.8mm 22 74
GCT30048RELB 300mm x 4.8mm 22 88
GCT37048RELB 370mm x 4.8mm 22 102
GCT78090RELB 780mm x 9.0mm 79 227
GCT15076RELB 150mm x 7.6mm 22 35
GCT20076RELB 200mm x 7.6mm 22 50
GCT25076RELB 250mm x 7.6mm 22 65
GCT30076RELB 300mm x 7.6mm 22 80
GCT37076RELB 370mm x 7.6mm 22 108

Stainless Steel Cable Ties (Coated cable ties have the same tensile strength and bundle diameter)

SKU Size Min. Tensile Strength (kg) Max Bundle Diameter (mm)
GCT15046SS 150mm  x 4.6mm  89 46
GCT20046SS 200mm  x 4.6mm  89 62
GCT26046SS 260mm  x 4.6mm  89 75
GCT30046SS 300mm  x 4.6mm 89 94
GCT36046SS 360mm  x 4.6mm  89 113
GCT52046SS 520mm  x 4.6mm  89 164
GCT62046SS 620mm  x 4.6mm  89 190
GCT84046SS 840mm  x 4.6mm  89 265
GCT100046SS 1000mm  x 4.6mm  89 311
GCT15079SS 150mm  x 7.9mm 160 46
GCT20079SS 200mm  x 7.9mm 160 62
GCT30079SS 300mm  x 7.9mm 160 94
GCT36079SS 360mm  x 7.9mm  160 113
GCT52079SS 520mm  x 7.9mm  160 164
GCT62079SS 620mm  x 7.9mm  160 190
GCT84079SS 840mm  x 7.9mm  160 265
GCT100079SS 1000mm  x 7.9mm  160 311

For more information, check out our other guides on which type and material cable tie is best suited to which application and environment. 

For any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly staff either by live chat,
email or phone.