This device lets you charge two battery banks from one source without draining the main battery. It connects to your vehicle’s alternator and uses a voltage sensitive relay (VSR) to ensure the secondary bank only connects when the primary bank is fully charged.
With dual-sense technology, the VSR detects if either battery is charging and activates accordingly, allowing you to charge the second battery from an external source too.
It handles up to 60A with zero voltage drop, making it great for marine use and vehicle split charging. A direct alternative to the Durite 60A VSR.
Fitting Instructions
Connect the main and auxiliary batteries to either terminal. The VSR's MCU will automatically identify which is which. The small black wire should go to earth.
Technical Information
Continuous Rating: 12VDC/60A
Engage Voltage: 13.3VDC
Disengage Voltage: 12.8VDC
Screw Fit Base